Digital access for all

Enrollment conditions
      • Recruitment campaign and pre-enrollment with the help of local associations such as Croix Rouge Vietnamienne, Association d’Amitié et de Coopération Vietnam-Franceavec l’appui d’associations locales telles que Croix Rouge Vietnamienne, Association d’Amitié et de Coopération Vietnam-France
      • Public: Young women and men 18 to 30 years old, unemployed or in back-to-work programs, from disadvantaged families, very motivated by the digital sector and ready to undertake an intensive training program.
      • Educational cursus or diplomas: high school diploma (10th to 12th grade).
      • English test TOIEC 350, beginning French or interested in learning French FLE.
      • no prior technology experience required.
    Selection criteria are rigorous and equitable between women and men. The young people chosen must demonstrate the capacity to progress, a very strong motivation for learning, and a veritable passion for a digital career. Disadvantaged young people are prioritized.
Selection process
    The selection process has two steps.
      • individual and collective interviews in order to verify motivation, maturity, and candidates’ mind-set.
      • background checks to evaluate the candidates’ and the candidates families’ resources in order to verify their eligibility.
Condition for admission
      • Meet admission criteria
      • Submit a dossier and sign a training contract. The training contract includes educational conditions, internships in enterprises, responsability for the material lent to the candidate for the duration of the training (ex: lap-top computer).
      • Supply of a lap-top computer (conditions apply).
    The Software tester cohort Testeur de logiciels is scheduled to begin in August, 2022,with 16 learners chosen for their very strong motivation. This cohortwill last 6 months with a 3 week internship in an enterprise.. In addition to accompanying the first candidates, the training team will proceed with the their enrollment according to an identical procedure. The following program, Web Developer, will last 12 months with 6 months internship in enterprise.

    Software tester Training plan
Training plan
    The training program is elaborated in partnership with FUNiX_Vietnam. The training program follows the "learning by doing” model, intensive and professional. Thanks to their thorough training, learners are able to confidently respond to the exigences of the workplace.

    Remote training (240 h) entrusted to FUNiX, is accompaanied by qualified « mentors », experienced staff already operational in the management of national and international information systems and digital projects. Learners benefit greatly from their practical experiences.

    In-person training (460 h) is dispensed by tutors specialized in foreign languages and in personal development techniques as well as job hunting. These tutors are selected by AAFV.

    The language of instruction is English . Daily training in English as a foreign language is planned. French, as a foreign language, will be taught by specialized teachers.

    This training is overseen in strict collaboration between the project’s leaders; from the elaboration of its content to enrollment, from its supervision to its final evaluation, in order to accompany establishment of the internships leading to employment once the final certificate has been obtained.

    Techniques for personal development and job hunting , (TRE), job dating and the development of soft skills will be used to accompany learners toward employment.

    Simultaneously with the apprenticeship of programming techniques, with an eye toward insertion in the job market, learners practice spoken and professional English every day , as well as being initiated into French as a foreign language.

    Training success is evaluated regularly , not only through practical projects, but also by the training team’s evaluation of the interactive quality of each learner within their group.

    In the chart below, the entry level salary is subject to increase or decrease according to the market.

Beginning Salairy débutant
Year 1
Software tester
6 months + 3 weeks internship
  • Software tester junior
200 – 300 Euros
Year 2
Web developer
12 months +6 months internship
  • Developer/programmer for games/mobil apps
  • Developer/programmer for Web Sites
  • Developer/programmer Java
350 – 500 Euros
Training program
• •
Training moduls
Software Tester 6 months + 3 weeks internship
  • Mastery of the computer
  • Data base systems
  • Introduction to software
  • Software tests and quality control
  • IVS (Independent Verification Services)
  • OJT (On the job training) on-site 2.5 weeks. (IVS located in the Keangnam building- Hà Nội)
Learners can participate in the training process through employment classes in the enterprise, with mentors as training officers. Participants can learn with real world projects that work, provide experience, and generate products which are evaluated.
Web Developer 12 months and 6 months internship
  • Mastery of the computer
  • Data base systems
  • Introduction to software
  • Objet oriented programming (Java)
  • Data structures and algorithmes
  • Mobile Programmation
  • Design and user interface
  • Lab 1 - programmation practice Java Lab